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e.g. v4.1.2 – available in the App settings

e.g. Safari 12.1.2 - available in your browser settings

e.g. iOS 13.2.1 – available in your phone settings

Varies per device - available in your device settings

e.g. Samsung 2019 OLED

e.g. v4.1.2 – available in the App settings

• Closed captioning (CC) – displays the audio elements of a television program, eg dialogue, key sounds, soundtrack music, etc, as text on screen (in English), and is produced primarily to make content accessible to d/Deaf and hard-of-hearing audiences.• Subtitling – is the translation of dialogue from one language into another (e.g. Korean -> English; English -> Arabic), with the aim of keeping the original meaning and context intact while allowing viewers time to read the text.• Audio description (AD) – is a form of spoken narration used to provide information surrounding key visual elements in a program, primarily for the benefit of blind and visually impaired audiences.

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